BGA Putter Grips accommodate variable Grip styles and methods
The BI 3 Putter Grip has been specifically designed and stylised as a mid- sized grip to suit all grip styles AND hand sizes.
The grips are a midsize “Soft Form” colour coded “D” section pistol grip.
The shape and size has been planned to suit many different grip styles.
The markings have been designed as a reference point for your grip style.
The shape and size has been planned to suit many different player sizes.
These various grip styles are as individual as players postures and body specifications.
The BGA Precision Putting Process caters for many different grip styles and allows players to achieve the required correct set-up relative to the ball and the line determined by the Putt Calculation.

Slight variations are catered for
Some examples of putter grips, there are many other variables.
10 finger Std baseball on a 66º FLAT Lie Angle
Reverse grip LH low on a 66º FLAT Lie Angle
Pencil/paintbrush grip on a 66º FLAT Lie Angle
10 finger Std baseball on a 70º STANDARD Lie Angle
10 finger Std baseball on a 70º STANDARD Lie Angle
Reverse grip LH low on a 70º STANDARD Lie Angle
Pencil/paintbrush grip on a 70º STANDARD Lie Angle
“V” Claw Sq palm grip on a 70º STANDARD Lie Angle
BGA Mid Size D section Pistol grip 74º UPRIGHT Lie Angle
The BGA BI 3 Putter stylised grips are designed to cater for all grip styles and allow the BGA Precision Putting Process to be applied.
Varied grip styles and methods allow players to set the putter
to the Putt Calculation and Putt Visualisation then adjust your
body, to a balanced position to deliver a Precision smooth stroke.