More than a Putter
Drive for show….Putt for dough $$$
PUTTING PERFECTION is something that all Golfers would like to achieve, that’s why there are thousands of examples of tips and techniques promoted all over the world.
The BI 3 PUTTER is a PRECISION TOOL designed to deliver the best outcome from the best tips and techniques.
Branding Golf have assimilated all the BEST data available on the CORE components of putting and delivered them to you in ONE UNIQUE package.
* A Precision Putter and the Precision Putting Process *
The BI 3 Putter helps you to:
- Apply the Optics, Physics and Bio-mechanics of Putting
- Line up correctly
- Target the putter
- “See” the alignment
- Set up correctly
- “See” the stroke
- Promote correct balance
- Apply “gearing effect” as required
- Make more putts, more often
For FULL list of Features and Benefits of the BI 3 Putter click below:
BI 3 Design Features & User Benefits
The calculations and process needed to putt with Precision involve a wide range of disciplines including, optics, physics and bio-mechanics matched with BGA – Precision Putting Process